Tuesday 11 September 2018


In this article , we will be concentrating on a massive prophecy that links up to one of the greatest revelations which is also foretold in the Indian Sanskrit texts . We will try to understand , if the Nostradamus prophecies do link up to the same Hindu Prophecy of the Return of Kalki after Kaliyuga .

At the outset, we need to understand that the Book of Prophecies written in verses by Nostradamus , clearly mentions that though the book has 10 Centuries covered , the verses are not in fact in reality connected to that particular century only . Anybody who picks up the Book of Prophecies written by Nostradamus will witness , his visions were primarily based on the astronomical positions of all heavenly celestial bodies like the position of the Sun, Moon , The Planets etc . The principle which Nostradamus used is the same principle , Vedic Astrologers use to predict the Future. 

It is agreed by most scholars that many of the prophecies by Nostradamus have already come true . However , what I will try to cover in my article is The Prophecy which directly connects the Nostradamus prophecies with the Hindu Vedic prophecy as mentioned during the arrival of the Kalki Avatar . Keep a close watch on the verses which I will be sharing from his book of Prophecies . 

Let is now begin trying to explore , THE WORLD OF NOSTRADAMUS as he saw would be the future of the World . 

I quote the First Verse : 
Nostradamus makes it pretty clear that , all the prophecies he has written down on his Book of Prophecies would only start to happen from this definite period of time as mentioned in the prophecy itself . Now , we know Nostradamus or Michel de Nostredame (depending on the source, 14 or 21 December 1503 – 2 July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French physician and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Propheties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. The book was first published in 1555 and has rarely been out of print since his death. So , we know to which century Nostradamus more or less was born. So this particular verse written , much like Sanskrit slokas has to be taken with seriousness. We need to also keep in mind that, Sanskrit was the first original writing technique where texts were as Slokas or Verses. Keeping this in mind , Nostradamus and his technique of writing his prophecies in the form of Crypted Verses reveals his understanding of Vedic Astrology . 

Let us now move further and I share this particular verse : 

Nostradamus here is definitely talking about the 21st Century. The verses are very clear in stating that , he is foretelling of some kind of a war. The verse cannot be equated with World War I or World War II , for two reasons . He has specifically foretold that the World has now shrunk and has become smaller ( Technology connecting people with people from around the Globe ). This event has to be anything but after the arrival of the www.com or the World Wide Web event. This event cannot be the First World War or Second World War . Having said that , Which War is Nostradamus talking about ? Is it the 3rd World War ? 

Ofcourse not , He is also mentioning the same War which the Vedic texts mention . The War of Kaliyuga . We will understand about this particular war from his other verses . Let us proceed . 

Now , I share the 3rd Verse that catches my interest as a student of Vedas myself . And here is the verse : 
This particular verse will not make much sense in isolation. Many people would equate this particular verse with the eradication of Christianity and being replaced by Islam in the same lands and many would support it by stating that the crusades were a result of the same . Not exactly . 

Nostradamus is very clear in this particular verse that the Barbarian empire would decay . The Barbarian Empire is the Islamic Empire in the Middle East . We all know , there never was a physical country called Israel until 14th May , 1948 . Yes , I do agree that there are Torah and Biblical accounts that there was a Land called Israel in the same place from 720 B.C.E , but it was never a country. The Biblical accounts state it as a land , where the Jews lived much before Christianity or Islam appeared in the realms . Having said that , it was the World Wars and the opportunity which the British grabbed to carve two areas in that particular region near the Jordanian state . The British were the ones , who along the Americans were primary reasons of creating Saudi Arabia and ofcourse Israel as a Country in 1948. The prophecy matches the Era after the creation of this Jewish state of Israel , where more European Jews landed up and started turning it into a Country , all the reasons more because of Hitler and his Nazi rhetorics. We should not forget the Great Holocaust ever. 

Let us move further and here is another verse , that should make us be interested : 

In this particular verse , like many of his other verses , Nostradamus is foretelling the death of The Church . The Whole Book of Prophecies is filled up with verses , where Nostradamus is foretelling that going forward , The Institution called the Church and The Papacy will cease to exist . We already are at a stage , where most Catholics now prefer to call themselves as Atheists rather than a Catholic . We are currently watching possibly the last two generations of Christians . Coming to the serpent and snakes , we need to understand that Nostradamus is also quoting the Moon in this particular verse like most of his other verses . The Vedic Astrologers associate the Serpent or Snake with the Lord of the Moon , Rudra or what most Hindus prefer to call as Shiva. Nostradamus is foretelling that The Nagas , Who are the Most ancient people with the Most Ancient Cult of Serpent Worship would return to invade the lands of the Christians and take them back into Paganism or What Hindu Scholars call as Sanatan Dharma. But now the question is " In Egypt it is now Islam , not Christianity any longer . So how does this verse actually make sense ? " . I do agree that there are Coptic Christians in Egypt , who are still living in Egypt and are now a minority population , having said that Nostradamus left us even more verses which reveals the connect. Let us proceed. 

Now , I bring your focus onto this particular verse : 

You see, the moment we hear this Word called " Holy Empire " our common thinking makes us relate it to the Vatican or the Church. The verse written here is very clear . The Word " Ishmaelites " . The Arab Muslims are the ones who call themselves to be the bloodline of Ishmael or the Son of Hagar and Abraham's maid servant with Abraham . Muslims are after the Jews for this particular unique situation that is revealed in all the 3 Abrahamic texts . Is not it amazing that Germany is today the Country that has become the doorway of Islamic Migrants into Europe . The Holy Empire which Nostradamus is talking about is the taking over of Europe by Islamic followers and Nostradamus predicted that Germany will be the doorway which will allow these Migrants take over Europe. 

Let us further proceed and here I share another verse : 

This particular verse is an amazing verse. Britain today is the largest asylum of Islamic migrants other than Germany . Infact , London today is operated by Islamic Followers and not by Christian British . Secularism is a Good concept , but first the so called Religions should first prove themselves as a religion first . 

The Next verse reveals even more : 

Unbelievable but yes , this verse should wake up every sleeping Brit . Today , The Mayor of London is a Pakistani . There is another ONE that is even bigger a threat and a follower of Islam " Sajid " . The British who are in a deep sleep of Beer and Football will wake up to their nightmare , because the following verses reveals it. 

The next verse that connects something , most people cannot connect : 

Here again we witness , Nostradamus lamenting on the death of the Church . The Whole Book of Prophecies is filled with the prophecy of the Death of Papacy and The Church . And as a 21st century visitor , we can all now relate , why the Vatican and the Church is facing the greatest test of keeping their ship from sinking . The Pope has now become a  victim of his own crime . Pretty unfortunate a situation , nevertheless a Prophecy as mentioned as Nostradamus and also written in the Vedic texts. 

Let us proceed . Here is a Verse from the Chapter Century 10. 

There is only one religion on this planet which has a sea or an ocean named to it. The Hind Mahasagar or Hindu Mahasagar or the Indian Ocean . There is only one Great Sea or Ocean that connects a religion and that religion is Hinduism . Here Nostradamus predicts that This Religion " Hinduism " will destroy the Cults of " A & A " . But what does A & A mean ? Well Adam and Abraham , which directly states that none of the Arahamic faiths will exist in the future in simple . 

Let us proceed further and here is the next verse that should attract your attention if you read the Book Of Prophecies by Nostradamus. 

This verse directly asserts to the Brexit . There is a unity among a Woman and a Man who want the Brexit and turn Britain into an Islamic Republic . We don't need rocket science to understand which Woman and Man is behind the scenes working into turning Great Britain in Great Islamic Republic . Amazingly Hungarians are now absolutely against entertaining any Islamic Migrant into their country , so also is Poland . Hungarian Bloodlines know better somehow , is not it ? Unfortunately , Nostradamus has more prophecies to support , this entire effort is going to go for waste . Let us look at those prophecies as well . 

The Next verse : 

Here we see that , after opening its doors to Islamic Migrants , Germany would turn into Paganism . Here we need to remember , Sanskrit is available to every German Child today in Germany in School. The Islamic arrival which is a current situation and the Fall of the Church is leading the citizens towards a Spiritual reality. As Sanskrit fourishes in Germany , so shall Paganism or what Hindus call as Sanatan Dharma . Amazingly , Now there is a World Hindu Congress that is making strides in the international lands , which were Vedic but not following it for the last 4,500 years . I might sound like a radical Hindu , I am a Vedic and I understand other Vedics , born into Cults other than Hinduism as well.

Now I take you another interesting verse : 

Now the question is " Which Great Sea is Nostradamus taking about ? " . There is only one Great Sea that has a name associated to a particular religion . This particular Great Sea which Nostradamus has put out is nothing else but the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean was known to the ancients as Hind Mahasagar or Hindu Mahasagar. Mahasagar itself means " Great Sea ". Sagar means Sea in Sanskrit & Pali and Maha means Great. Here is the Great Sea which Nostradamus is referring to . Further , Nostradamus predicted that , Once the Holy Day is considered as Thursday by all men and women of these planet , the Great Sea will freeze. Let us understand what these verses actually mean. We know , Friday is the Holy Sacred day for the Muslims , Saturday is the Holy Sacred day of the Jews and Sunday is the Holy Sacred day of the Christians . The Holy Thursday belongs to the Hindus , where Hindus fast. Nostradamus is predicting that , Hinduism will take over all over this Planet after the demise of all the cults of this planet including Christianity , Judaism , Buddhism , Islam etc . The freezing of the Great Sea indicates that peace and tranquility will return and violence and hatred which erupts like Great Waves in a sea will no longer survive to exist . 

Let us now take another prophecy from the Book of Prophecies by the French Seer Nostradamus : 

Here Nostradamus is predicting the arrival of a Great Hindu who will not only create ripples across the Countries to the East of India , but even in the countries lying on the West of India. He will become a gladiator of among all political leaders of the World and shall bring India to the Greatest superiority among all of the Civilized World. This prophecy absolutely agrees with the Vedic Prophecy of the Arrival of the Kalki Avatar. Any Vedic will realize, how Nostradamus was quoting the same thing, which the Vedic texts also point out to. Cannot be just a co-incidence, if the Vedic astrologers foresaw the same astronomical signals as also witnessed by Nostradamus and predicted in his Book of Prophecies.

Let us look further into his prophecies :

The Word " More / Moor " is a French word indicating the Arab Muslims. To the French , even today people of the Arab Islamic countries are known as Moors . Here in this prophecy , Nostradamus again re-iterates that , Islam as a philosophy will die out. But even interesting is the way Nostradamus has put across this prophecy . Nostradamus here quotes that , Islam's debacle will only happen , when the cult of Sweet Tongue and Seductive will die. Here Nostradamus is talking about the Sweet tongues of the Christian priests , who by their seductive talk of a Heaven and bliss have been marketing and selling their God to simple minded people. Most people today are of the opinion that , The Church has nothing to do with spirituality , but is actually a Profitable Money making institution , infact the Largest Business House on Planet Earth. Nostradamus is predicting that , before the fall of Islam arrives , Christianity will be the first one to die out as a Philosophy. We are already witnessing the signs now , with more and more Christians moving away from the Church and many of them even converting into Atheists. All was predicted both in the Vedic texts and now here in the Book of prophecies by Nostradamus himself. 

Let us now move further , this particular prediction is again very interesting . Let us read the verse first : 

Here we see that Nostradamus is directly informing us that , When the foundation of Christianity would start to fall , first the younger generations of Christians would fall into Atheism. However , this Atheism would also not last long , and thereby the Christians would look for answers into " The Horned Bull ". The Horned Bull is also mentioned in the Jewish Torah as also the Christian New Testament . The Horned Bull is nobody else but " Nandi " the Vehicle of The Hindu God " RUDRA / SHIVA "- The Destroyer among the 3 Hindu Gods of the Trinity . Rudra or Shiva is also the God of the Serpents ( NAGAS ) , Nostradamus hereby is predicting that after the Fall of Christianity , The Christians turned Atheists wil look for the answers of Truth and The Meaning of Life on this Planet to the Most Ancient Cult in the History of this Planet , which is the Cult of Rudra or the Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma ( Ancient Hinduism before the arrival of the Vaishnava philosophy ). Similar situation is also come upon the Muslims who hate Pigs or Pork. Even the Muslims would be left with no choice but to adhere to the Most Ancient Philosophy on this Planet and will have to forego their Barbaric cult forever and re-establish peace in their hearts.